Final Fantasy 7 Activation Code

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  1. Gameshark Codes Final Fantasy 7
  2. Final Fantasy Vii Codes
  3. Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough
  4. Final Fantasy 7 Serial Code
  5. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Serial Code
  6. Final Fantasy 7 Cheat Codes
Final Fantasy VII

Developer: Square Product Development Division 1
Publishers: Square (JP), SCEA (US), SCEE (EU), SCE Australia (AU)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: January 31, 1997
Released in US: August 31, 1997
Released in EU: November 14, 1997
Released in AU: November 17, 1997

This game has unused areas.
This game has a hidden developer message.
This game has unused enemies.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused items.
This game has unused abilities.
This game has unused music.
This game has unused text.
This game has debugging material.
This game has regional differences.

To do:
  • Revision differences between the original release and the re-release, such as censorship.

Final Fantasy VII may be the single most divisive game in RPG history. There are those who think of it as the best RPG ever, still having no equal, while others consider it the most overrated piece of trash ever. Either way, both sides agree: it is definitely one of the games of all time.

  • 7Unused Enemy Data
  • 13Debug Text
  • 14Oddities
    • 14.1The Prison Well

Final Fantasy VII Remake has a number of different areas for you to explore, many of which you will be visiting more than once with the ability to check out an additional part of it as a future quest. Final Fantasy VII is a 1997 role-playing video game developed by Square for the PlayStation console. It is the seventh main installment in the Final Fantasy series. Published in Japan by Square, it was released in other regions by Sony Computer Entertainment and is the first in the main series with a PAL release.


Debug Room
Silly. Didn't you know? This is Hades!
Unused Text
Lots of unused dialogue from various versions of the game.
Regional Differences
The original Japanese version is pretty unpolished compared to the international versions.

Unused Key Items


There are a few unused key items in the game. Note that there is no 'Unlimited Money Card' here. Old rumor: proven false.

  • Letter to a Daughter - A letter for a daughter that lives in Kalm.
  • Letter to a Wife - A letter for a wife that lives in Kalm. There is an unused conversation in Gongaga for a travelling salesman who asks you to deliver this letter for him.
  • Mysterious Panties - This was intended for the Wall Market cross-dressing sequence, but the sequence where you'd have obtained it was cut (see below). There are three of just about every item obtainable here, in ascending order of quality, but there are only two lingerie items. This would have been the third.
(Source: FF7 Citadel)

Unused Materia

There are a handful of unused materia in the game's code. It's unknown what they were intended for (testing purposes?), but it's worth noting that they're only named in the Japanese version; they're nameless in the western release.

  • BUUSUTAA (Booster) - Blue materia, 5 stars. Does nothing. 90000 AP. It's speculated that this would have boosted AP gain on the attached materia.
  • HOUSOKU (Law) Yellow materia, 2 stars. Teaches the Gil Toss command. This materia was unused in the original Japanese version, but was redesigned and released as part of the Throw command for international releases. This was a joke on the programmer's behalf (To hire lawyers, you throw money away). 20000 AP.
  • MABARIA (MaBarrier) - Green materia, 3 stars. Teaches MBarrier at each level. 20000 AP.
  • RIFUABU (Reflect Absorb) - Green materia, 3 stars. Level 1 is blank, level 2 teaches Wall. 60000 AP. This is actually paired with a dummied battle status of the same name existing in the original Japanese release and was probably intended as a countermeasure for reducing the bouncing effect of Reflect.
  • RIFUEKU (Reflect) - Green materia, 4 stars. Level 1 teaches Reflect, level 2 teaches Wall. 20000 AP.
  • SUICHUU KOKYUU (Underwater Respiration) - The purple materia the man in Kalm gives you to fight Emerald Weapon. This was unused in the initial Japanese version, as Emerald Weapon did not exist.

Unused Character Portrait


A placeholder character portrait, reading 'Now Printing' in Hiragana. 'Now Printing' is a common placeholder used by Japanese media when a picture isn't ready at the time of press. To see this, add an undefined character to your party.

Unused Status

There is an unused status effect called 'Dual' in the game's code. It does nothing. It is possible that this would have been similar to the Double status from Final Fantasy VIII (which allowed the player to cast magic twice in one turn) but was cut in favor of W-Magic.

Unused Element

In addition to an unused status effect, an entire element was dummied out... or, the programmers attempted to remove it, anyhow, as it's still connected to several attacks, although most of these deal no damage, so their element is wholly unimportant. The only damage-dealing attack this 'element' is used by is Ultimate Weapon's powerful 'Ultima Beam', which can be helpful to know, as it's possible to halve/nullify/absorb this 'element' if any non-elemental materia (such as Restore) is paired with an 'Elemental' materia in a character's armor.

Unused Enemy Data

Enemy Encounters

Gameshark Codes Final Fantasy 7

  • Ho-chu: This giant plant monster can normally only be fought in the last round of the battle Square or round 2 of the special battle, but encounter data in the game indicates its use at one point in the Ancient Forest. This battle is tagged as inescapable, so this enemy would only have been seen in fixed encounters.
  • Tonberry: Another monster that can only be fought in the Battle Square. It has an unused encounter in the Whirlwind Maze section of the Northern Crater. He also has an almost unused attack called 'Time Damage', which has such obscure criteria for its use that no one likely ever saw it without explicitly trying to do so: the player must get three attacks in a row, something that likely requires hasting the attacker and slowing the Tonberry. The attack itself inflicts (100*hours played)+minutes played damage, making it potentially one of the most powerful attacks in the game.

Hidden Enemy Skills

  • Dual Horn: This enemy has a skill it will never use, as it costs 65535 MP. It targets a random combatant, friend or foe, has no name and inflicts no damage. Only the condition for its use exists: it will use the attack if its HP drops to 50% or below.
  • Acrophies: This hermit crab with a snake for an arm that you might fight in the forgotten capital has the unique almost-unused ability Isogin Smog (isoginchaku = sea anemone in Japanese) that inflicts damage and darkness on the entire party. The condition for its use is that the entire party already be under the darkness status.

Hidden Test Enemies

Some of the 256 battle scene data sets of the game contain dummied-out test enemies whose names have not been translated (or even re-encoded) for the international releases of the game, which is why they show up as garbage strings in battle. With the exception of scene 249, which can be started via the 'BATTLE999' option in the debug rooms, none of these battles are accessible in-game.

SceneEnemy names (JP)Enemy names (US/EU)Enemy names (retranslated)Notes
Test 0 (Guard Hound)
Test 1 (Grunt)
Test 2 (Deenglow)
Test 4 (Hedgehog Pie)
Test 5 (Serpent)
Test 6 (Adamantaimai)
The Japanese name of the Hedgehog Pie is misspelled (it should have been ヘッジホッグパイ).
Test 0 (Guard Hound)
Test 2 (Deenglow)
Test 4 (Hedgehog Pie)
Test 7 (Grosspanzer A)
Test 8 (Grosspanzer B)
Test 9 (Grosspanzer C)
The Japanese name is slightly misspelled (it should have been グロスパンツァー).
4ふせや かずまさクン
まつむら やすしクン
Fuseya Kazumasa-kun
Matsumura Yasushi-kun
Fuseya Kazumasa was one of the battle programmers of the game, Yasushi Matsumura was the battle plan director.
The enemy AI for this scene also contains the message 'ふせや かずまさは死亡した.' ('Fuseya Kazumasa has died.').
5テスト0(ガードハウンド)êúô0(äñ)Test 0 (Guard Hound)
Test 0 (Guard Hound)
Test 1 (Grunt)
238テスト0(ガードハウンド)êúô0(äñ)Test 0 (Guard Hound)
239テスト0(ガードハウンド)êúô0(äñ)Test 0 (Guard Hound)This scene also contains a Tonberry enemy (see Enemy Encounters, above).
247テスト2(ディーングロウ)êúô2(ñ)Test 2 (Deenglow)
Test 0 (Guard Hound)
Test 2 (Deenglow)
The second enemy is the famous pyramid which can be fought via the BATTLE999 debug option.

Unused Areas

To do:
Rip the dynamic content such as screens.

There are three unused maps originally intended for the Honey Bee Inn. These maps exist only on the original (non-International) Japanese version. There's a handful of dialogue associated with these maps that can be checked out here with the translations.

There's quite a lot of Japanese text scattered around in the main lobby. Below are translations of the text:

Sign above left door今日の女の子Today’s Girls
2nd sign above left doorはいっちゃダメNo entry!
Sign above stairsお二階へどうぞGo on up to the second floor.
Sign on reception desk受付Reception
Sign above right door待合室Waiting Room
Fans in foregroundみつばち美人Honey Bee Beauties
Various messages on the screen美少女との語らいChat with beautiful women!


Honey Bee Inn

Special Sessions:
30 Minute Session
150 Minute Session

わたしの巣箱へいらっしゃいCome on in to my hive.
はちみつはいかが?How about some honey?
Sign on right wall (kanji difficult to make out)???・同業者・スカウト・未成年


???, owners of other brothels, scouts, and minors

not accepted.
Headhunters will be fined 100,000 gil.

Unused Music

This track is found in the original Japanese version and PC version (with the filename COMICAL.MID) but unused. It was intended for a scene in the alternate unused version of the Honey Bee Inn (seen in unused areas) involving Palmer.

Despite this, the track itself bears resemblance to a theme associated with Yuffie.

Also available for download in PSF format here.

Download Comical
File:Final Fantasy 7 - (406 KB) (info)

Unused Field Maps

Several field maps go unused, one for the Northern Cave, an empty Cargo Ship, and a hill named 'Trap' of unknown purpose.

Hidden Notes in Graphics

The final image of the end credits of the Japanese release has the date '12/16/1996' scribbled in, which is not visible in-game.

In the German PAL release of the game, the HUD texture set of the submarine minigame carries the note 本当のドイツ用深度 ('real depth for German'). The pointed-to HUD element ('TIEFE' = German for 'DEPTH') is specific to the German version of the game. The US and Japanese versions use the DEPTH indicator in the upper right corner of the image instead.

Programmer Message

A hidden message from a programmer to his wife can be found on Disc 3 in SNOVALASBOSS3.BIN, starting at 0x0000A9AB. D'awwww.

Debug Text

The code of the PlayStation version contains strings which presumably belong to debugging functions used during the game's development. There is no known way to access these functions in released versions of the game.

Field Module

These look like remnants of a field event script debugger. Most of the strings are the mnemonics of script opcodes (e.g. 'batle' which starts a scripted battle).

Final Fantasy Vii Codes

World Map Module

Some text related to the windowing/message functions of the world map.


The Prison Well

The well in the Corel Prison (officially called 'Basement' in the menu) appears to be entirely useless... but there are two little oddities surrounding it.

The Red Man

This weird little guy is on the foreground layer of the pre-rendered graphic, but is masked out by the game code. There is an empty treasure chest roughly in the same location that one may think was only to cover him up, but that is not the case as the chest does not overlap the character. It may be a signature/cameo by one of the CG artists.

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough

Test 0

Strangely, the original Japanese version forgot to remove a test monster from the random encounters in this room. テスト0(ガードハウンド)('Test 0 (Guard Hound)' in Japanese) uses the Guard Hound model and appears in formations of four, but otherwise is identical to the Pyramids in the Debug Room.

Final Fantasy 7 Serial Code

Inaccessible Cave

Ripped scene background showing the inaccessible cave on the right.

In the last screen of Sleeping Forest leading to the Forgotten Capital, a prominent ledge with a cave can be seen with a vine hanging from it, obviously for the player to climb. Despite there being a detour to allow the player to approach the vine it cannot be interacted with, making the cave inaccessible. Pressing Select shows that the exit is nonfunctional regardless.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Serial Code

The Final Fantasy series
NESFinal Fantasy (US Prototype) • Final Fantasy II (US Prototype) • Final Fantasy III
Game BoyThe Final Fantasy Legend • Final Fantasy Legend II • Final Fantasy Legend III • Final Fantasy Adventure
SNESFinal Fantasy IV • Final Fantasy V • Final Fantasy VI (US Prototype) • Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
PlayStationFinal Fantasy IV • Final Fantasy V • Final Fantasy VI • Final Fantasy VII • Final Fantasy VIII • Final Fantasy IX • Final Fantasy Tactics • Ehrgeiz • Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon • Chocobo's Dungeon 2
PlayStation 2Final Fantasy X (Prototype) • Final Fantasy X-2 • Final Fantasy XII
Game Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls • Final Fantasy IV Advance • Final Fantasy V Advance • Final Fantasy VI Advance • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
GameCubeFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Nintendo DSFinal Fantasy III • Final Fantasy IV • Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
PlayStation PortableFinal Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII • Dissidia Final Fantasy • Final Fantasy Type-0
Xbox 360Final Fantasy XIII (Prototype)
PlayStation 3Final Fantasy XIII (Prototype) • Final Fantasy XIII-2
WiiFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time • Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Nintendo 3DSTheatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
WindowsFinal Fantasy XI • Final Fantasy XIV • Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (Heavensward) • Final Fantasy XIII (Prototype) • Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
PlayStation 4Final Fantasy XV • Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT • Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Cheat Codes

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